Functional Medicine

Uncover the Root Cause, Restore Vitality: Functional Medicine for Optimal Health


A Metaphorical Picture to help you Visualize the Process

Functional Medicine

A functional medicine practitioner wants to understand the health of the whole tree. They'll consider the state of the leaves (symptoms), examine the trunk (body systems), and most importantly, investigate the roots (underlying causes). They may look at the soil (lifestyle and environment) and the climate (external stressors) as well.
Imagine the Leaves

The leaves of the tree represent the symptoms a person may experience, such as fatigue, pain, or digestive issues. Traditional medicine often focuses on treating these symptoms – like pruning the leaves of the tree.

Imagine the Trunk

The trunk of the tree represents the body as a whole, with its interrelated systems.

Imagine the Roots

The roots of the tree represent the root causes of disease – these could include genetic factors, environmental exposures, lifestyle choices, etc.

WHM's Whole-Person Health: A Holistic Approach to Medicine

Wholehealth Medica’s Patient Care Model is an Integrative Medicine Model which focuses on you as a whole person and not just your illness or disease.
Our Vision

At Wholehealth Medica, our vision is to revolutionize patient care by offering an expedited healthcare delivery model that prioritizes the needs of our patients. We strive to provide timely, comprehensive, and personalized care that empowers our patients to achieve optimal health and wellness.

Our Values

Wholehealth Medica is committed to providing compassionate, patient-centered care that prioritizes the unique needs of each individual. We value open communication, trust, and respect between our patients and our healthcare team. We are dedicated to ongoing learning, professional development, and collaboration to provide the most innovative and efficient healthcare services available.

Our Team

At Wholehealth Medica, our team is at the heart of our expedited patient care model. We recognize that our team members are our greatest asset and strive to create a supportive and inclusive work environment that values their well-being.

Our team consists of highly skilled and dedicated healthcare professionals who are committed to providing exceptional care to our patients.

We prioritize ongoing education, training, and professional development to ensure our team members are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills to provide expedited and comprehensive patient care.

We prioritize teamwork, communication, and collaboration to provide the most efficient and effective healthcare services possible.

WHM's Approach7 key areas to address when evaluating disease and aging within the context of functional medicine

These areas help identify underlying imbalances and root causes of various health conditions.


Assessing hormonal imbalances, including thyroid hormones, sex hormones (such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone), adrenal hormones (such as cortisol), and insulin levels.


Evaluating the body’s ability to effectively eliminate toxins and waste products. Assessing the liver function and other detoxification pathways to ensure proper toxin clearance.

Structural Integrity

Evaluating the musculoskeletal system, including the spine, joints, and posture. Addressing any structural imbalances, injuries, or conditions that may contribute to pain or dysfunction.


Identifying chronic inflammation in the body, which can contribute to numerous health issues. Evaluating markers of inflammation and identifying potential sources of inflammation, such as food sensitivities, infections, or environmental toxins.

Energy Production

Examining mitochondrial function and energy production within cells. Addressing factors that may impair energy production, such as nutrient deficiencies, oxidative stress, or mitochondrial dysfunction.

Digestion & Gut Health

Assessing the health of the gastrointestinal system, including digestive function, gut microbiome balance, intestinal permeability (leaky gut), and possible gut infections or imbalances.

Mind-Body Balance

Considering the impact of mental, emotional, and psychological factors on overall health. Assessing stress levels, emotional well-being, sleep quality, and the presence of any underlying psychological or psychiatric conditions.

Our ProcessWHM's Functional Medicine Program

The program involves the following steps:

A detailed history is obtained, which includes an extensive medical history, as well as considerations for environmental, lifestyle, and psychological factors. It is not uncommon for questionnaires to be filled out by the patient, sometimes prior to the first appointment. This is designed to gather as much information as possible about the patient’s health status.

Personalized Assessment

Personalized diagnostic tests are ordered, which often go beyond standard medical testing. These could include nutritional analyses, hormone panels, genetic testing, gut microbiome assessments, metabolic tests, among others.

Identification of Root Causes

Functional medicine aims to identify and address the root causes of diseases, rather than just treating the symptoms. This involves identifying imbalances in the body’s physiological processes that are driving illness, which are often related to lifestyle factors like diet, stress, physical activity, and exposure to environmental toxins.

Individualized Treatment Plan

Once the root causes have been identified, a personalized treatment plan is developed. This typically involves interventions aimed at modifying lifestyle factors like diet, physical activity, and stress management. It might also involve supplements, medications, detoxification programs, or therapies to restore physiological function.

Follow-Up and Adjustment

The patient’s progress is closely monitored, and the treatment plan is adjusted as necessary based on the patient’s response. This is a dynamic process, and it often involves a long-term relationship between the practitioner and the patient.

Prevention and Health Optimization

Lastly, WHM’s approach also focuses on health promotion, disease prevention, and health optimization, not just disease management. This means the goal is not only to get the patient feeling better in the short term, but to help them maintain good health and vitality long term.

Identification of Root Causes of IllnessSpecialized Testing

Microbiome Testing

The microbiome refers to the trillions of microorganisms that live in and on the human body. WHM’s Functional Medicine Practitioners utilize microbiome testing to evaluate the composition and function of the microbiome and identify imbalances that contribute to various health conditions.

This information is used to develop personalized interventions that restore balance and promote optimal health.

Nutrigenomics Testing

Nutrigenomics testing is a type of genetic testing that evaluates how an individual’s genes interact with specific nutrients in the diet. WHM utilizes this information to develop personalized dietary recommendations that optimize a patient’s health based on their genetic makeup.

For example, a patient with a genetic variant that impairs their ability to metabolize certain nutrients may require supplementation or dietary modifications to prevent deficiencies.

Inflammatory & Metabolic Biomarker Testing

Functional Medicine Practitioners utilize specialized blood tests to evaluate markers of inflammation, oxidative stress, and metabolic function. These tests can provide insights into the underlying drivers of chronic disease and guide interventions to improve overall health.

For example, a patient with elevated markers of inflammation may require targeted interventions to reduce inflammation, such as dietary modifications, supplements, or lifestyle changes.

Our Functional Medicine Team